Original Post: Semgrep's May 2022 updates
This post summarizes recent significant updates to Semgrep, an open-source static analysis tool for identifying bugs and enforcing code standards, which follows a weekly release cadence. Key new features include:
- DeepSemgrep (Private Beta): An advanced extension providing more accurate results through cross-file analysis for Java and Ruby, reducing false negatives and positives.
- New Playground: Updated to align with the Editor, it offers a more intuitive rule-writing interface, supports side-by-side rule and code viewing, and facilitates rule sharing and saving.
- GitHub Enterprise & GitLab Self-Managed Support: Semgrep can now leave pull/merge request comments on these platforms, enhancing security issue tracking.
Additional features include an Autofix option for automatic code fixes directly within GitHub/GitLab and a default experimental ruleset for optimal results out-of-the-box. The post emphasizes the importance of Semgrep in modern security programs and invites users to join the private beta for DeepSemgrep and learn about deploying Semgrep in enterprise scenarios.
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