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Mastering the Art of Writing: Quick Fixes and Expert Tips

Original Post: Tips and tricks for writing fixes

Why Write a Fix?

Developers are often overwhelmed with tasks, and traditional security tools that scan code for vulnerabilities after it’s written can slow them down significantly. These tools are considered major productivity inhibitors.

Semgrep, however, provides fast, customizable analyses that quickly deliver relevant feedback, reducing effective false positives. A tool like Semgrep is better integrated into developer workflows and can help by not just identifying issues but also suggesting fixes. Ideally, an automated fix is the most convenient solution.

Applying a Fix

Semgrep rules can include an optional fix field, enabling simple search-and-replace autofix functionality. When running Semgrep with the fix field in a rule, the suggested fix is previewed in the command line. To apply these fixes automatically, the --autofix flag can be added to the command.

Writing Your Own Fix


Writing fixes becomes easier by using metavariables that capture parts of the existing code. For instance, replacing every call to the exit function with sys.exit($X), where $X is the captured argument.

Ellipsis Metavariables

When patterns have an unknown number of arguments, ellipsis metavariables ($...ARGS) can be used. This technique is handy but has limitations in language support.

Using pattern and pattern-inside

Combining pattern with pattern-inside helps match and rewrite specific parts of code when ellipsis metavariables are not supported. For example, isolating and changing False to True within a construct.


The focus-metavariable feature makes targeting specific parts of code for rewrite easier. It allows pattern matching and focusing the fix on a particular metavariable.


Writing fixes can significantly enhance the developer experience with security tools. Semgrep provides various features like metavariables, ellipsis metavariables, and combinations of pattern and pattern-inside, along with the focus-metavariable option, to write effective fixes.

Go here to read the Original Post

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