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The Importance of Customization for Effective SAST Tools

Original Post: Why SAST tools need to be customizable to be useful

Scaling an effective application security program is challenging, as it requires buy-in from developers and integration of code scanning tools in their workflow. Customizability is key to fitting a Static Application Security Testing (SAST) solution seamlessly into developer workflows. Most SAST tools only provide findings without control over which ones are surfaced, leading to false positives and lack of developer trust. Semgrep offers customizable rule behaviors and transparency, enabling customization at both the rule and finding levels. Customizing rules can optimize out-of-the-box performance, reduce false positives, and improve fix rates. The focus should be on fixing the right issues, providing clear fixes, and maintaining a high fix rate to build developer trust in security processes. Customizability and transparency are crucial for AppSec teams of all maturity levels to increase developer involvement and optimize SAST tools.

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